Origin: Colombia
Region: Huila
Attitude: 1200 – 2000 MASL
Process: EA Decaffeination
Our single origin decaf Colombian coffee is grown by multiple smallholder producers. The Colombian coffee is cupped as a regular green coffee sample and then carefully selected for decaffeination. To ensure the quality of the coffee, this happens in Colombia before it even goes to export.
The ethyl acetate is a non-chemical process that works by soaking the green coffee in a bath of water and a solvent, ethyl acetate, which is naturally derived from fermented sugar, among other natural sources. The solvent bonds to the salts of chlorogenic acid within the coffee and allows for the extraction of the caffeine. The coffee beans are removed from the bath and steamed at a low pressure to ensure there are no traces of E.A left. The finished product is almost entirely free of any caffeine content.
Philipp (verified owner) –
A well-balanced roast that prooves decaf does not have to be a compromise in terms of flavour.
media_butterworths –
You know what’s up Philipp! There is absolutely no reason decaf should lack quality as well as caffeine. We try to ensure that this is the case with every cup!
Eleanor (verified owner) –
Great decaf when you can’t have the caffeine but love a good coffee.
Butterworth & Son –
Thanks Eleanor! I am a huge fan of the decaf as it really feels like you aren’t missing out on anything! It tastes brilliant despite the lack of caffeine! As a decaf should 😉
David Kerr (verified owner) –
All the flavour – without the caffeine kick. Miraculous.
Rob (verified owner) –
Our decaf’s kick, but not in the caffeine way, in the flavour category. Thanks for your review David.
Sarah Bowie (verified owner) –
It is great to see a choice of decaff beans – they’re like hen’s teeth in the supermarkets! We already have a subscription to your Decaff Blend and, as we always enjoyed Columbian caffeinated, it was good to try your decaff. Top marks for flavour and quality.
Stuart Turner (verified owner) –
Love this company – great service, superb coffee, local to me so I can pick it up.