Tag Archives: iced drinks

Recipe – Lucky Lemongrass Granita

  In the heat of the summer, we all want a delicious frozen treat. More importantly, we want to spend as little time as possible in the kitchen. The answer? A quick and simple granita. This icy dessert is low effort, tasty, and doubles as a handy cocktail ingredient.  Granita comes from “granire” – to […]

Iced Coffee series, part 5

Japanese V60 A Japanese V60 simply means an iced v60. If you aren’t familiar with the method of V60 I highly recommend giving it a go! You can read our recipe for a V60 here. In a nutshell, a V60 is a pour over. It utilises ground coffee and filter papers in order to produce […]

Iced Coffee series, Part 4

Affogato I absolutely love affogatos! This is a really delicious way of drinking coffee, and I consider it a form of dessert! This again, is another espresso based drink, and I wouldn’t recommend using any other method of brew for this as the body and strength that espresso provides is ideal for an affogato. An […]

Iced Coffee series, Part 2

Iced Americano Like iced lattes, iced americanos can be found in the mainstream coffee scene, as they are also an espresso based beverage. The difference between these 2 cups? Milk! Although iced americanos can be served with a splash of milk per the customer’s request, it is usually made as a black coffee. Iced Americanos […]

Iced Coffee Series, part 1

ICED LATTE Coffee lovers rarely stray from their favourite drinks, but summer usually pushes people to branch out and consume more iced beverages. However, cold drinks should never have an impact on your coffee intake and we encourage you all to continue drinking your favourite beans. Iced coffees are a very popular drink in the […]